miércoles, 18 de julio de 2012

New Discovery to fight Cancer

In the last week was published in the journal Virtual Network San Diego, Madrid, a news report about a new discovery in cancer treatments. Apparently human tumor cells may be destroyed with a material that generates electric fields to be lit, which could lead to future cancer treatment based phototherapy.

This discovery is the result of research involving biologists and physicists from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), said today that Spanish institution in a statement.

Research has shown that, in laboratory culture conditions, it is possible to eliminate human tumor cells using lithium niobate doped with iron, a material that generates significant electric field when illuminated with light.

So far, this material had not been used in biomedicine, but this finding has generated two patent applications to develop a drug for cancer phototherapy, which would administer nanoparticles of this material and illuminate the tumor with visible light.

The researchers grew human tumor cells on lithium niobate crystals doped with iron and examined their behavior in different light conditions.

They noted that these cancer cells proliferated while kept in the dark, but they died "within minutes" when exposed to light.

According to San Diego Red, in other experiments, tumor cells were exposed to microparticles of the material and, as the Spanish university, the results were "virtually identical", but had to increase the exposure to light.

Copyright by San Diego Network

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