Studies claim that delaying the arrival of the first child is a predisposing factor for the development of this tumor. A leading specialist explained why this happens and how to prevent disease.
Breast cancer is a major cause of death in women worldwide. Because of this, throughout the world are carried out prevention campaigns, trying to get conscious about the importance of routine consultation the specialist to avoid developing the disease.
Nevertheless, beyond the annual realization of complete gynecological studies, there are social factors that influence the onset of the disease. Within this group is of motherhood.
The prestigious Italian physician Umberto Veronesi, surgeon breast cancer and founder of the European Institute of Oncology, spoke with Infobae.com about the negative consequences wrought by the arrival of a child as it is currently facing.
He explained that in the world the incidence of breast cancer increased because, in general, the postponement of motherhood.
"Women now have a greater risk, and the reasons are having fewer children and pregnancy protects against breast tumors. Also, start having children at older ages ", which also negatively affected, said Veronesi.
In that sense, he specified that "women when they have young children do not have breast tumors, as has the number of children also suffer."
Other factors that influence the development of the disease is feeding the baby, more and more away from the natural and closer to the milk bottles and industrialized. "Now breastfeeding is very low, contributing to this increase," said the specialist.
The key: early detection
Veronesi said that "by failing to apply preventive therapies, science has focused on the early diagnosis of this disease."
In this regard, noted the current use of mammography, ultrasound through ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, which allow "detect tumors up to five millimeters in diameter" very effectively.
"The right age to start this type of screening at age 30 with ultrasound, the woman over 40, getting mammograms, and those with genetic background or considers its genetic test or placed within a group high risk should begin before the age of 20 should get an MRI every five years ", stated the doctor.
Then, it is essential that women take charge of their breast health. To Veronesi, the best way is based on three simple steps:
1 - That each knows best or depth within it.
2 - To recognize that this is an illness, which cured if detected early and the kills if it is discovered late.
3 - I fight this with optimism, determination and will. "Many times the woman discovers or suspects that may have this disease and pretend they do not, so delay its consideration. And with that all you are doing is aggravating the situation, "he said.
"Women are the ones now in hand to manage this situation. It's not a problem in medicine is a problem of the woman is the one to use to make the diagnosis early, "he concluded Veronesi.