"The tests, which continue to accumulate, are strong enough to justify" the compilation of mobile phone use as "possibly carcinogenic to humans", estimated Jonathan Samet, chairman of the working group of experts assembled thirty eight days in Lyon (southeast).
These experts met under the aegis of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (ICRC), an agency of WHO, to study cancer risks caused by "the Electromagnetic Fields." And analyzed all published studies on the subject.
The final cataloging basa "in epidemiological studies showing an increased risk of glioma brain cancer associated with use of mobile phone," said Samet telephone news conference.
This listing means that "there is a risk, and therefore we must closely monitor the relationship between mobile phones and cancer risk," he added.
According to Gerard Lasfargues, deputy director general of Health Security Agency for the Environment (Anses), cataloging the CIRC was until now a step below (ie not classifiable at human carcinogen). The new cataloging is identical to that of glass wool and gasoline vapors.
"It's important to do further investigation into the intensive, long term, mobile phones," he said Christopher Wild, director of the CIRC.
"Until this information is available, it is important to take pragmatic measures to reduce exposure (waves)," he added.
Kurt Straif, the ICRC, explained how to reduce exposure.
"What probably brings more exposure is to use the phone to make calls," he said. "If used for text messages, or a headset for calls is reduced according to him ten times the exposure."
Experts estimate that there is a possible link to gliomas and acoustic neuromas, but are silent on other types of cancers.
Moreover, this panel found insufficient evidence on the risks posed by other electromagnetic fields, such as radar, microwaves, radio or television transmitters or wireless telecommunications.
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